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Dragon's Dilemma -- Hardcover Children's Book

★★★★★ (1)

Written by Catherine Little

Illustrated by Sae Kimura
  • Size: 8.75 x 8.75 inches
  • Pages: 32
  • Publication: 2024
  • Binding: Hardcover

Twelve animals line up for the Emperor’s Great Race. Dragon is the biggest, the fastest and the only contender that can fly. What chance do the other animals have? Travel along with Dragon as he faces a Dilemma…

Will Dragon be the first to cross the finish line?

Catherine Little is an educator, consultant and writer living in Toronto, Ontario with her husband and son. She has a passion for picture books ,and often used them in the classroom to enhance her mathematics, science and history lessons. Sae Kimura is an artist and illustrator originally from Odawara, Japan, now working and exhibiting her art in Toronto and elsewhere. Dragon's Dilemma is next in Littles' book series, provoking young readers to think about the importance of helping others, even when it means prioritizing it over your own ambitions.
"Catherine Little not only introduces the Seven Natural Wonders of the World to readers but she teaches the decency of benevolence and compassion. Dragon is initially quite confident, even overly assured of his success. He could have swooped in and won the race handily. However, he was able to put aside his hubris and do good, even at a cost for himself. And that good will would sustain him, as it often does all of us, through a time of disappointment." - Helen K, Canlit for Little Canadians

Published by Plumleaf Press.
